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Private: College Essay

Private: College Essay

This service provides 1:1 custom and comprehensive essay support for composing the main college essay for the common app, called the personal statement OR the four mini essays for the University of California (called the Personal Insight Questions).


The purpose of the personal statement is to demonstrate the many layers of a student’s identity, values, skills, interests, experiences, and insights that make them the unique being they are beyond test scores and GPA. Most schools are offering test optional applications and the essay has become an even stronger component of the application.


Through engaging storytelling, personal tone, and craft, the personal statement essay requires a lot of planning, drafting, and self reflection. I guide students each step of the way through individualized feedback and learning moments to ensure they have a polished and compelling personal statement essay for college applications.


12 sessions 1:1 + virtual feedback via google docs included. Ideal for juniors or seniors.

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